Delivering Success: How Aqua-Flo Supply Transformed Urgent Logistics with Curri's Flexible Solutions

Ryan Miller

October 29, 2024

Ryan Miller

Aqua-Flo Supply

“By relying on Curri as a growth partner, we're able to say "yes" to more business. Curri is a must-have extra weapon on your toolbelt.”

— Tom Morris, Operations Manager, CA

Company Size: Enterprise (150+ employees)
Industry: Landscape, Irrigation, Utilities
Branches: 10 Branches across California
Platform Solution: Curri Hotshots

Aqua-Flo Supply, a landscape irrigation supply house, specializes in selling irrigation components to contractors, government agencies, and homeowners. With a fleet of trucks delivering bulky and large-scale materials to job sites, they needed a reliable and efficient logistics solution, particularly for urgent deliveries outside their scheduled routes and delivery radius.

The Challenge

Aqua-Flo Supply’s logistics involved maintaining efficient, pre-scheduled routes for delivering materials. However, when high-priority customers required immediate deliveries (referred to as “hotshots”), Aqua-Flo Supply faced the challenge of either disrupting their existing delivery routes or finding an alternative solution. Sending their own drivers over long distances, such as from Goleta, CA to Atascadero, CA or San Luis Obispo, CA (about two hours north of Santa Barbara, CA), became expensive and time-consuming.

The Solution

Curri provided Aqua-Flo Supply with the flexibility to handle urgent deliveries to accommodate customers without affecting their scheduled routes. Aqua-Flo Supply leveraged Curri’s services for longer-distance deliveries, which allowed them to save on driver time and fuel costs, while maintaining high customer satisfaction. Curri’s Hotshot delivery service enabled Aqua-Flo Supply to continue serving key customers without compromising the efficiency of their operations.

Success Story

Aqua-Flo Supply had a key customer in Atascadero, CA, who needed an urgent delivery of high-value materials. The delivery site was outside of Aqua-Flo Supply's normal range, but Curri enabled them to fulfill the customer’s request in just a few hours. By doing so, Aqua-Flo Supply not only retained their client but also captured additional business in a challenging location without incurring extra logistical costs or sacrificing service quality.

Operational Benefits

1. Cost Efficiency: Using Curri for longer routes proved to be more cost-effective than sending Aqua-Flo Supply's own drivers. Aqua-Flo Supply paid for one-way trips, saving time, driver hours, and fuel.

2. Flexibility During Staffing Shortages: When Aqua-Flo Supply experienced staffing shortages, Curri provided them with the option of hiring drivers on a case-by-case basis, which helped avoid the need for long-term hires and provided operational flexibility.

3. Seasonal Adaptation: During the slower winter months, Aqua-Flo Supply reduces staff hours due to the natural downturn in irrigation installation. Curri’s scalable delivery solutions allowed Aqua-Flo Supply to manage peak periods without adding to their payroll, providing a critical resource during busy times while maintaining flexibility during off-seasons.

Curri’s services increased Aqua-Flo Supply's operational efficiency and provided logistical flexibility. As a growth partner, Curri’s service has allowed Aqua-Flo Supply to focus on sales without worrying about delivery logistics.

Advice for Other Distributors

Tom Morris, a key decision-maker at Aqua-Flo Supply, advises other distributors to “have an open mind and be willing to give [Curri] a shot.” He emphasizes that while this industry can be tough to break into, looking for alternative logistics solutions helps companies improve efficiency and better serve their customers.

By leveraging Curri’s flexible delivery options, Aqua-Flo Supply can say "yes" to more business and manage their logistical challenges confidently, especially during peak seasons.

Tom Morris - Operations Manager at Aqua-Flo Supply

Learn More About Curri

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