How to Improve Supply Chain Resilience with Curri
February 17, 2022

These days, when supply chain disruptions are leading news stories, companies are re-examining their supply chain to make it more resilient. Risk events and disruptions have become the standard, not the unexpected. So, what can be done to develop supply chain resilience? Developing strong reliable partnerships is one element of a resilient supply chain. Construction material suppliers turn to Curri to help with operations and ensure timely product delivery. Curri helps companies keep the supply chain moving by getting construction materials from warehouses, retail stores, or distribution centers into the customer's hands.
What Is Supply Chain Resilience?
It's important to clarify supply chain resilience. The Brookings Institution defines supply chain resilience as “…the ability of a given supply chain to prepare for and adapt to unexpected events; to quickly adjust to sudden disruptive changes that negatively affect supply chain performance; to continue functioning during a disruption …; and to recover quickly to its pre-disruption state or a more desirable state.”
With many products manufactured overseas, supply chains are longer than they once were, making them more susceptible to disruption. If operations related to one element of the supply chain are disturbed, a business is impacted. Remember, the supply chain network stretches from material delivery to a supplier/manufacturer to when the product or service is delivered to the end consumer. So, it doesn’t matter how many products are produced if they are sitting on a ship, truck, or warehouse. The destination is the end-user.
How Can Integrated Courier Logistics Help?
A blowout or a nail-biter mean the same for a team with fewer points – a loss. While the news seems focused on ships sitting in ports waiting to offload products, the supply chain is not working as intended unless consumers can get materials in a reasonable timeframe. In the construction industry, where time is money, a reasonable time frame is ASAP! Integrated courier logistics can help distributors move materials quickly. Materials sitting on a pallet and not yet delivered to the end-user, i.e. the nail biter, is still a loss and means the supply chain is not functioning as it should. Consider the benefits of construction logistics with Curri.
Same-day On-Demand Delivery
By working with a Curri, distributors and retailers can commit to making same-day on-demand delivery. Knowing materials are at the distribution center/retail outlet but can’t be delivered to the job site is a breakdown in the supply chain. Same-day on-demand delivery is a game-changer for contractors counting on supplies being on-site as needed. A delay in material delivery means current jobs get extended, and the next job gets pushed back. A construction carrier that can regularly deliver material means there are no disruptions in construction. By empowering contractors to proceed with construction and avoid operations delays, companies are building loyal customers.
LTL to FTL, Sedans to Semis
A courier that can make LTL (Less-than-truckload) and FTL (Full Truckload) shipments is invaluable. After all, the contractor on the job site needs the materials, whether it’s one item or a list of materials. For the distributor or retailer, the way to get the most bang for their buck (and green) is to send the right-sized appropriate vehicle out for delivery. From a one-stop one-item delivery to a multi-stop multi-item delivery, a courier with the right sized vehicle brings efficiency to the supply chain.
Reduce the Impact of Staffing Shortages
Staffing shortages have been one of the significant factors in supply chain disruption. When employees are out due to pandemic-related issues or companies can't fill open positions, operations are slowed. When distributors/retailers turn to Curri to handle delivery, they have fewer staffing needs. Our team can make every delivery as needed, so the retailer/distributor can remove staffing delivery shortages from its list of challenges, and operations can spend more time focusing on their core business.
Reduce the Cost of Fleet Operations
Ensuring customers' get same-day on-demand delivery is a best practice for retailers/distributors. However, it’s also a great expense. The supplier needs to be in a constant state of readiness. Days can go by when the fleet is not used to its fullest extent. And then a day will arise (or a season) when the fleet is used to its fullest extent. Therefore, being ready to fulfill the delivery promise means retailers/distributors have to retain a bloated fleet and extra personnel to operate it. To reduce the expense related to this scenario, retailers/distributors can turn to Curri's extensive fleet network. They can improve operations and ensure that there's always the right amount of capacity to meet customers’ delivery needs.
Increase Customer Satisfaction and Retention
When retailers/distributors build a resilient supply chain, they can look forward to improved customer satisfaction and retention. Consider the challenges those in the construction industry have been dealing with recently: the price of construction materials has yo-yoed the past couple of years, labor shortages have become the norm, etc. Construction industry personnel are craving stability and certainty. So, a how-to for increasing customer satisfaction for retailers/wholesalers is having supplies available when needed. Curri can help retailers/wholesalers give customers the consistency they want, leading to improved satisfaction and retention.
Mitigate Disruption and Outperform Your Competition
Experts predict supply chain issues will persist through 2022 and beyond. These issues are serious, and there is no magic button to push to make goods and services flow smoothly again. Maintaining a resilient supply chain will require companies to be flexible, attentive, and creative. Bumps are sure to arise. During these times, mitigation disruption will need to be the focus. By finding ways to adapt and mitigate disruption, companies will be able to outperform their competition.
Curri Is a Resource for the Construction Industry
Curri has a proven track record of being a valuable partner to retailers/distributors in the construction industry. With our all-in-one logistics platform, we help retailers/distributors move material fast, reliably, and professionally. With Curri, your company can take a step towards supply chain resilience.